- “Ecocosmism: The limits of an unsustainable life”, Masterclass at Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo. June 29, 2024.
- “Foucault’s Monsters”, Invited presentation at the World Congress – Foucault 40 Years After in Lisbon: “Symposium Global Foucault: Divergences and Agreements in Italian Thought”, Center for Global Studies, Open University, Lisbon. June 7, 2024.
- “Deviant Ecologies. Notes on poetry and cosmology in Lucretius De rerum natura”, Invited presentation at the Ecology And Poetic Modes Of Thought Workshop, Nova University of Lisbon. May 24, 2024.
- “Chaos Ecologies”. Invited talk at the FesThink – Festa do Pensamento, Festival New European Bauhaus, Kees Eijrond Foundation, Lisbon. Abril 9, 2024.
- “Recordar o futuro: Fragmentos para uma anarqueologia da injustiça”. Keynote lecture at the Colóquio Constelação Selvagem of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas in Manaus, Brazil. December 13, 2023.
- “Ecology Unbound: Rethinking Finitude”. Invited Lecture at the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid. November 20, 2023.
- “Fossil animism”. Invited talk at the international conference “Modernity, Energy and Power. An Eco–energy and Cultural History of Southern Europe” organised by Reina Sofia. November 17, 2023.
- “Cannibal Ecologies. Images from the Past yet to Come”. Invited lecture at The Autumn 2023 Anthropology Departmental Seminar of the Centre of Visual Anthropology, Goldsmiths College, University of London. October 11, 2023.
- Invited Speaker for the “The challenges of sustainable ecosystems: How sustainability needs to be?” roundtable at the Conference Hacking Sustainability”, Reconstructing Sustainability for the 21st Century. Department of Knowledge and Communication Management, Faculty of Economics and Globalization, Universität für Weiterbildung Krems. September 20, 2023.
- “Air Matters: Benjamin in the Anthropocene”, 5th International Congress of The Portuguese Philosophical Society, University of Évora, September 14, 2023.
- “Documentary and the Real”, Workshop at the XXIX Visible Evidence Conference, University of Udine, September 7, 2022.
- “Memories of Air”. Presentation at the 4th Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network Political Ecology: North, South, and Beyond, organized by the University of KwaZulu–Natal, and The Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) Secretariat at the Australian National University (ANU) with the support of the South African National Convention Bureau (SANCB) and the African Agenda. June 29, 2023.
- Invited talk at the Laboratory for the global perspectives of Italian Thought, Center for Global Studies of the Aberta University of Lisbon. June 23, 2023.
- “Ancestral Futures”. Presentation at the Tracing Temporalities, Unearthing Collections Workshop, organized by the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik (HZK), the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) and the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS), Berlin and Potsdam. April 28, 2023
- “In-visualities: A Politics of Silence against the Terror of Evidence”. Invited talk at Arts of Living in the Anthropocene Workshop, organised by the Forms of Life and Practices of Philosophy Research Group at the Nova Institute of Philosophy, Nova University of Lisbon. November 25, 2023.
- “Pier Paolo Pasolini: Una Riflessione Filosofica”. Invited talk at Festival Mimesis 2022 – 9th edition Philosophy And Digital Transformation, Udine. October 29, 2022.
- “Transits of time. Aesthetics of Climate Justice”. Presentation at the VIII Iberian Meeting On Aesthetics: Spaces And Times In Aesthetics And In Art, Lisbon. October 27, 2022.
- “Ekstasis. Of Time”. Invited lecture at the Continental Glissement: German Idealism & the French Inhuman Seminar, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, Portland, Maine. October 20, 2022.
- “The Real and The Inexistant. Ontologies & Mathematics”. Invited lecture at the SLOW READING Seminar by Cymene Howe, Rice University, Houston, Texas. October 13, 2022.
- “Fossil Memories”, presentation at creative research workshop Tracing (Climate) Crisis, Visualizing Change: Imagining & Activating A Counter Atlas Of The Trace at the Reina Sofia Museum Madrid and the CCHS-CSIC, Madrid. October 6&7, 2022.
- “Pier Paolo Pasolini Philosopher”. Invited talk at the PPP/RRR: Pier Paolo Pasolini/ Riprese, Reprises, Retakes, international conference co-organized by Concordia University, UQAM in Montreal and Saint-Paul University in Ottawa. September 30, 2022.
- “Pasolini and Philosophy”. Workshop at the Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu Do Cinema, Lisbon. September 23, 2022.
- “Can the Subaltern film?”. Workshop at the XXVIII Visible Evidence Conference, University of Gdansk. August 12, 2022.
- “Deep Life. Reimagining our Fossil Modernity”, Invited talk at the exhibition STONE ALIVE, National Geology Museum of Portugal, Lisbon. July 8, 2022.
- “A Common Singularity. Of The Thing Itself”. Invited talk at the International colloquium Objects, Abstractions and Detours, ESAP- Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal. June 17, 2022.
- “Breathing. Philosophy Again”. Invited Series of Lectures at the IDSVA Topological Studies II
- Summer 2022 in Paris. May 30-31, 2022.
- “Designing A New Planet. Post-Global Aesthetics”. Masterclass at the ESAD School of Arts and Design – Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal. March 16, 2022.
- “In-Human Aesthetics”. Accademia Di Belle Arti, Naples, December 17, 2021.
- “A Cosmic Experience. Walter Benjamin in the Anthropocene”. 2021 Conference of the international Walter Benjamin Society at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste and the Leibniz -Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, November 5, 2021.
- – “À flor da pele – práticas da fotografia contemporânea em tempos incertos”. Jardim Botânico do Porto | Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade de Porto, October 14, 2021.
- “The Ungovernable. Philosophy and Climate Change”. Invited lecture at Faculty Colloquium of the Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil) of Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 23, 2021
- “The Origin Of The Work Of Art”. Ecological Interpretations. Seminar at the International Residencies Program of The Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, June 14, 2021.
- “Geo-anarchies”. Masterclass at the New Political Ecologies: Globalization, Sustainability, Precarity Seminar, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), Amsterdam, May 21, 2021.
- “Revolution Anthropocene: Geoaesthetics of the Planetary Condition”. Invited lecture in the series ON THE ANTHROPOCENE: Either/Or, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts (IDSVA), Portland (US), April 17, 2021.
- “The Pessoa Event. Notes on Philosophy and Poetry”. Invited Talk at the Portuguese Embassy in Turkey and Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language, Ankara February 28, 2021.
- Keynote Speaker at the WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH METHODS IN FILM STUDIES at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Title of the presentation: “Planetary Visions: Contemporary Approaches to Visuality”, Lisbon, January 21, 2020.
- Invited Talk “Actuality’s dreams”: Michael Marder e Giovanbattista Tusa in conversation. Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici, Naples, December 12, 2019.
- Invited Lecturer at the International Workshop “Ecology as Economy of Relationship of Living Being and Environment”, Academy of Fine Arts, Naples, December 12-13, 2019.
- “For a New Mapping’s Ecology”, invited talk at the International Interdisciplinary Conference Philosophy and Cartography, cohosted by the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Wroclaw and the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wroclaw, Poland, November 5, 2019.
- “The Ecological Turn”. Invited lecture at the Digital Humanism Lecture Series of the Code University of Applied Science, Berlin, November 4, 2019.
- “New Ecologies. A lexicon for the XXI century”. Biennale of Venice, Institute for Doctoral in the Visual Arts (US) session, June 18, 2019.
- “In-human truths. On politics and literature”. Invited presentation at the Association of Philosophy and Literature conference at the Alpen-Adria-Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 30, 2019.
- “The question concerning ecology”. Media and Ecology course for the Programa Independente de Estudos das Artes Visuais at Maumaus, Lisbon, Portugal, April 29- May 3, 2019.
- Invited talk: “Problematising reality – encounters between art, cinema and philosophy 7”, with Judith Barry (MIT, Boston), Goethe-Institut Lisbon, Portugal, March 27, 2019.
- “Still Life. Radical Ecologies”. Research Seminar at the English Department of the National University of Singapore, November 5-15, 2018.
- “Sob O Signo Da Catástrofe (Ecologia e política do nosso tempo)” invited talk at 350 Festival de Teatro de Almada, Casa da Cerca, Centro De Arte Contemporânea, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14, 2018.
- “The end of philosophy”, Masterclass with Jean-Luc Nancy at the Summer School of the Institute for Doctoral in the Visual Arts, Paris, June 11, 2018.
- “Unkwown Planets, Cosmic Marxism”, The Global Center for Advanced Studies, 4th Annual Conference, Performing Arts Forum, Reims, France, June 9, 2018.
- “Qu’est-ce que une date?”, International Symposium Cinema and Philosophy: Critical May 68, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, May 30, 2018.
- «Vergleich über ein Drittes». Montage, Film, Praxis“, Invited talk at the Film/Philosophy Group, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, October 25, 2017.
- “Topographies of social politics”, Invited Lecture at the Summer School of the Institute for Doctoral in the Visual Arts, Athens, June 19, 2017.
- “Touching at a distance: Marx, Harun Farocki, and Einfühlung”, Historical Materialism Conference Beirut, Center for Arts and Humanities (CAH) at the American University of Beirut (AUB), March 11, 2017.
- “Education and Epistemology in the Time of Monsters”, 24 September 2016, University of Podemos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
- Invited talk on Architecture and Writing at the Architecture & Ecriture research workshop organized by Villa Vassilieff Center of Art and Research and The Architectural Association School of London, Paris, 9 July 2016.
- “Die Gegenpartei”. On Film and Empathy, invited lecture at the workshop “Harun Farocki and the Notion of Einfühlung”, Institute for cultural inquiry, Berlin, 4 July 2016.
- Invited Lecture: “Ways of Seeing”, Swiss Institute of Rome, June 2016.
- “For in it every second was the narrow gate”. On Benjamin messianic temporality, 9th International Critical Theory Conference of Rome, John Felice Rome Center of Loyola University Chicago, May 2016.
- “Krisis. Lands of Philosophy”. Invited lecture at the University of South Florida Philosophy Colloquia, February 2016, Tampa, US.
- “On the Nameless”. Masterclass at the Seminar “Figures of the Nameless in, nearby and after Pasolini”, Maumaus Escola De Artes Visuais, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2016.
- “Negativity at Work. French Theory and In-visuality”. Institut des Hautes Études en Arts Plastiques (Iheap), Biennale de Paris, Apexart, New York, US, October 2015.
- “Borderland. Europe at the Limit”. Inaugural Conference of The International Centre for Mediterranean Knowledge, University of Salerno, Italy, October 2015.
- “Maps and Errancy”. Dislocated Thoughts”, University IUAV-Biennale of Venice, October 2015
- “Irregular Political Systems”, 1st GCAS World Conference “Democracy Rising”, Athens, July 2015
- “At Any Moment”. Interruptions of the Present between Walter Benjamin and Antonio Negri, London Conference in Critical Thought, July 2015.
- “Le Tact de ne pas trop y Toucher”. On Jean-Luc Nancy, International Conference Athens, University of Athens – French Institute of Greece – University Bordeaux Montaigne, March 2015
- “Du Sans Mesure, Héritages et Promesses de la Déconstruction”. University of Coimbra, October 2014
- “Dopo il Sacrificio”. Istituto Italiano Di Study Filosofici, STITUTO ITALIANO DI STUDY FILOSOFICI, Naples, Italy, May 2014
- “Del Contemporaneo”. Paper and video presentation in collaboration with Jean-Luc Nancy. Zisa Arte Contemporanea and French Institute of Sicily, Palermo, Italy, April 2013
- “La Questione Ultima: Il Tema del Sacrificio tra Derrida e Nancy”. Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica, Fondazione Pareyson, Turin, Italy, May 2011.
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